Team Baba Cheech

The Author

Dave Ridgley resides in Ohio with his wonderful wife, Holly, and their dog/son (uncle) Cy. They have been blessed with five daughters and now take great joy in the presence of their six beloved grandchildren, who play a prominent role in his heartwarming books. As the author of the children's book series, King Cybee The Baba Cheech, Dave draws inspiration from the adventures shared with their cherished Yorkie, Cy, and the special moments spent with his grandchildren. 

The Illustrator

Barry Davian lives in Indonesia and has been working as a professional illustrator since 2007. His work has been featured in the largest Indonesian newspaper and in many children's books. Barry is an incredibly talented illustrator. His artistic prowess and dedication have brought the captivating world of King Cybee The Baba Cheech to life with vibrant and enchanting illustrations. Barry's attention to detail and creative vision have beautifully complemented the heartwarming stories, capturing the essence of each character and moment. His skillful artistry has transported readers into a realm of wonder and imagination, making the books truly come alive.

The Editor

Alanna is one of Dave's cherished grandchildren. At just eight years old, Alanna lent her keen eye and creative spirit to the editing process, using a yellow crayon to provide her insightful feedback. Her attention to detail and enthusiasm for the stories were truly remarkable, and her dedication ensured that each book became a masterpiece. Alanna's superb job and unwavering support have played a significant role in bringing the magical world of King Cybee The Baba Cheech to readers of all ages.

The Main Characters

Cy On his motorcycle

Cy is a real guy. This lovable and adorable Yorkie resides in the beautiful state of Ohio, sharing his joyful life with Holly and Dave, who he affectionately calls Muddah and Faddah. Cy's heart is filled with love for his dear nieces and nephews, including Violet, Alanna, Weston, Kinsley, Kennedy, and Carson. These special little ones play an integral role in Cy's captivating adventures, bringing laughter and excitement to his stories. Together, they embark on magical journeys that ignite their imaginations and warm their hearts. Join Cy and his cherished family as they discover the wonders of friendship, courage, and the incredible bond they share.